Many women do not realize it, but your period is a window into your fertility. Your monthly cycle is giving you clues about your pregnancy potential.

If you are struggling with your fertility or have been trying to get pregnant, start by looking at your menstrual cycle.

You can use a BBT (basal body temperature) chart to map your monthly cycle so you can track:

Click here to learn more about using a BBT Chart >>

Short Cycles

How long is your cycle? Do you have a shorter-than-normal cycle (less than 26 days), or a longer-than-normal cycle (more than 32 days)?

If you have a short cycle, it is much more difficult to get pregnant, stay pregnant, and have a healthy baby. This is because you are ovulating too soon. Your body does not have enough time for your egg to mature so it can be fertilized and your endometrium (uterine lining) does not have enough time to thicken so the egg can implant.

The good news is that it is possible to lengthen it!

If you’re facing the challenge of a short menstrual cycle and wondering about your next steps, we’re here to help. Click here to schedule a free clarity session with The Fertility Godmother. Together, we’ll explore personalized strategies to support your journey to motherhood.


Do you want to download The Fertility Godmother’s free Guide to BBT Charting?

Click here to download your copy now ▷

Are you ready to do everything you can to optimize your whole fertility health?

Click here to schedule a free clarity session with The Fertility Godmother and discover how our personalized, holistic approach can support you in your journey towards holding your baby sooner.

Imagine having a game plan that ensures you’re doing everything possible to optimize your health and fertility, paving the way for a successful pregnancy and a beautiful baby.