Do you want to do everything you can to optimize your fertility and increase your chances of getting pregnant, staying pregnant, and having a healthy baby?
Understanding what your body is telling you is an essential part of your fertility journey and one of the best places to start.
Paying attention to the signals it sends allows you to identify any imbalances or potential roadblocks that might be hindering conception and gives you clues about what you can do to optimize your fertility health!
On this episode of The Fertility Godmother Show, Denise shared 3 things to watch out for when you’re trying to get pregnant!
Watch the video below to learn 3 ways to optimize your fertility!
Your Menstrual Cycle
One of the first things we recommend when you’re starting your fertility journey is to make sure that your menstrual cycle is regular.
Ideally, a normal cycle lasts between 28 to 30 days.
When your cycle is shorter than 26 days or longer than 32 days, it might indicate an imbalance that requires correction to optimize your fertility.
- When your cycles are too short, the egg doesn’t have enough time to fully mature, making fertilization difficult.
- When your cycle is too long, it results in an overripe egg, increasing the chances of genetic abnormalities and potential miscarriage.
Don’t stress if you experience an odd cycle here and there; our bodies respond to stress, which can influence menstrual patterns. Just take note and look for patterns to understand your body better.
Understanding Ovulation
Knowing when you ovulate is an important part of your fertility journey, too.
Ovulation marks the moment when a mature egg is released from the ovary, eagerly seeking a potential partner – the sperm.
Timing plays a crucial role in understanding ovulation on your fertility journey. In a typical 28-day cycle, ovulation usually occurs around day 14. For longer cycles, subtracting 14 days from the cycle length can help estimate the ovulation day. Recognizing this fertile window is essential, as it presents the highest chances of achieving pregnancy.
When you ovulate, your body produces fertile mucus, also known as “egg white” mucus, which is stretchy and provides an optimal environment for sperm.
However, ensure that the fertile mucus aligns with your actual ovulation time. Sometimes, it can appear either too early or too late, which gives you valuable clues to identify and address any imbalances.
Pay attention to the color of your menstrual blood. It should be a healthy red, without too many clots. And, importantly, you should not experience pain, heavy PMS, emotional mood swings, or fatigue before or during your period. These symptoms could be a sign of hormonal imbalances, and addressing them can have a huge impact on your overall reproductive health and fertility.
Predicting Ovulation: Tools and Insights
To predict your ovulation window, you can use ovulation predictor kits that analyze urine samples. However, these may not be ideal for women with long menstrual cycles, PCOS, or advanced maternal age (over 35). A preferred method is basal body temperature charting, which shows your cycle’s patterns and provides valuable insights.
Basal body temperature charting exhibits a biphasic pattern, with temperatures lower in the first half and higher after ovulation. This method allows you to identify whether your fertile mucus aligns with your ovulation, providing clues to your body’s unique fertility journey.
If you need help tracking your menstrual cycle so you can better understand what your body is telling you, download our free guide here.
Overcoming Roadblocks
On your journey to parenthood, you might encounter some roadblocks that need your attention.
Irregular periods, perhaps caused by polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), warrant special consideration. Both irregular periods and PCOS can be corrected through various means, including diet, supplements, acupuncture, and Chinese Medicinal herbs.
When prescribed by a knowledgeable herbalist, Chinese medicinal herbs are safe and effective, with minimal to no side effects. Click here to schedule a clarity session if you are interested in Chinese Medicinal Herbs. Please don’t try to find these online yourself, be sure to contact a qualified licensed herbalist or Chinese Medical Practitioner.
It takes two
Remember, fertility is a shared journey, and sperm quality is equally important. Ensure your partner takes an active role in supporting your efforts, as sperm quality not only influences conception but also impacts the health of the pregnancy and your future baby.
If you need help figuring out your next step to optimize your fertility…
Click here to schedule a free clarity session with The Fertility Godmother.
Together, we’ll develop a personalized plan to support your fertility journey!