Egg quality is an important factor in fertility because it can affect the woman’s ability to get pregnant and carry a pregnancy to term.

You Can Improve Your Egg Quality

What most women don’t know, is that there are things you can do to help support the health of the ovaries and eggs! But you must do them for at least THREE MONTHS to have an impact.

Many women we’ve worked with simply did not realize the importance of taking the time to get really healthy before conceiving or how that would impact the quality of their eggs.

It takes 90 days for your eggs to mature and be selected for ovulation.  Age alone isn’t the key factor to your pregnancy potential, instead, it’s about how healthy (or not) your body is as a whole. Your choices can either speed up or reverse the aging process of your eggs. But there’s good news!

The good news is: there are things you can do to improve your egg quality and your chances of becoming pregnant and having a baby!

On this YouTube episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show, Denise talked about 5 things you can do to improve egg quality when you’re trying to get pregnant.

5 ways you can improve egg quality:

  • Eat a healthy, balanced, nutrient-rich diet
  • Exercise moderately and consistently
  • Manage stress in a healthy way
  • Avoid smoking, vaping, drugs, and alcohol
  • Take the right high-quality absorbable supplements

Check out the replay now to learn more about these 5 ways to improve egg quality when you’re trying to have a baby.

There are lots of things you can do to improve your egg quality! But, it takes TIME to really make a change in the quality of the eggs. A minimum of THREE MONTHS, but often a little longer. So, the key is to be patient. 

Do you want more information about what you can do to improve your egg quality?  We created a FREE guide to help you!

Click Here to Download The Fertility Godmother’s Guide to Improving Your Egg Quality in 90 Days »

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