Did you know that there are some fertility superfoods that can nourish you more than others?

There’s no question that eating the right food for reproductive health is a vital part of the process.

On this episode of The Fertility Godmother’s Show on YouTube, I shared the #1 fertility superfood you should be eating!

This fertility superfood is really important because it nourishes your whole body, containing vitamins and nutrients that you need, especially because you have a menstrual cycle that lets you lose a lot of blood. This important food for reproductive health I talk about?

Red meat.

Red meat is full of B vitamins, Choline, and Iron. All three of these nutrients nourish the blood and help you to be healthy and strong enough to create a baby. Just think about all of the blood you lose every month through your menstrual cycle. That blood needs to be replenished because getting pregnant requires a lot of it.

Too often, red meat is one of those fertility superfoods that often gets overlooked. Yes, fruits and vegetables are important too, but red meat is an extremely beneficial food for reproductive health.

And if you just can’t wrap your head around eating red meat, there’s always supplementation. There’s beef liver pill, bone broth, and collagen powder, for example. Whether or not you choose to use supplements or eat the real thing, the nutrients found in red meat will greatly help your fertility.

Don’t ignore this all-important food for reproductive health! With the right fertility superfoods, conceiving a healthy baby and going through a happy pregnancy can be a whole lot easier.

Do you need help figuring out what to eat and what to avoid while you are trying to have a baby?

If you are ready to get started in making changes to your diet and lifestyle so you can get pregnant and have a healthy baby, click here to download The Fertility Godmother’s free Guide to The Ultimate Fertility Diet—a complete breakdown of the Fertility Diet!