I saw this sign posted at Gelson’s Market and was so excited to see that there is an effort to promote awareness about BPA in our food!

BPA (bisphenol A) is a synthetic estrogen used in making many plastic products like plastic bottles, baby bottles, children’s toys, hygiene products, and even medical devices. It is also part of the epoxy resin that lines many metal cans, like those used for canned vegetables, fruits, and meats.
Most people already try to avoid BPA after reports showed that it is an endocrine disruptor and that it may raise blood pressure. And, since it is an endocrine disruptor, bisphenol A may also lead to hormone imbalance, fertility issues including frequent miscarriages, lower egg production, early puberty, increased risk of reproductive cancers, low sperm count and other hormone-related problems.
Other research has shown a link between BPA and asthma, obesity and breast cancer.
How does BPA get into the body?
The primary source of exposure to BPA for most people is through the diet. While air, dust, and water are other possible sources of exposure, BPA in food and beverages accounts for most of the daily human exposure.
The good news is that bisphenol-A has a relatively short half-life, so it is possible to reduce levels quickly and drastically by avoiding common exposure.
We know that BPA is found in many plastics and especially water bottles (which is one of the many reasons to avoid them), but it may also be hiding in places you wouldn’t expect:
- Canned Goods: It is often used in the lining of the cans used for vegetables, soups, fruits, and other foods. Since it is present during the high heat canning and sterilization process, it may be present in even higher levels in these foods.
- Solution: Use fresh or frozen fruits and veggies.
- Solution: Use fresh or frozen fruits and veggies.
- Receipts: Paper receipts are often lined with BPA. This includes airline receipts, movie tickets and any receipts printed on thermal paper. The EWG warns that it can transfer to your hand from the receipt and enter your body through your skin or if you touch food or your mouth.
- Solution: Skip the receipt. Even if you get and recycle the receipt, it may contaminate recycled paper products like toilet paper.
- Solution: Skip the receipt. Even if you get and recycle the receipt, it may contaminate recycled paper products like toilet paper.
- Dental Sealants: Dental sealants and composites can contain bisphenol-A.
- Solution: Talk to your dentist before any dental work.
- Solution: Talk to your dentist before any dental work.
- Plastic Wrap: Often contains bisphenol-A and other plastic chemicals.
- Solution: Use parchment paper, glass storage containers or homemade food wrap instead.
- Solution: Use parchment paper, glass storage containers or homemade food wrap instead.
- Coffee Pot: Sadly, many coffee pots are a source of BPA and since hot water is used, there is a higher chance of it leaching into food.
- Solution: Use a French Press or Glass Kettle instead.
- Solution: Use a French Press or Glass Kettle instead.
- Soda Cans: So, there are many other reasons you shouldn’t be drinking soda, but you can add this to the list. Even “healthier” sodas made with stevia can have BPA in the lining.
- Solution: Avoid drinking soda.
- Solution: Avoid drinking soda.
- Plastic and Paper Cups: Plastic cups often contain bisphenol-A, but paper cups are often lined with it too.
- Solution: Bring your own reusable mug (and the planet will thank you too).
- Solution: Bring your own reusable mug (and the planet will thank you too).
- Other Kitchen Plastics: Bisphenol-A is also found in many kitchen plastics besides water bottles, including plastic food storage, plates, utensils, and cups.
What can you do to prevent exposure to BPA?
- Don’t microwave polycarbonate plastic food containers. Polycarbonate is strong and durable, but over time it may break down from overuse at high temperatures.
- Plastic containers have recycle codes on the bottom. Some, but not all, plastics that are marked with recycle codes 3 or 7 may be made with BPA.
- Reduce your use of canned foods. Look for products packaged in glass or lined cardboard instead of cans.
- When possible, opt for glass, porcelain or stainless-steel containers, particularly for hot food or liquids.
- Don’t take paper receipts at ATMs, grocery stores, etc. unless you really need them.
It’s worth mentioning that many BPA-free products have simply replaced BPA with bisphenol-S (BPS) or bisphenol-F (BPF). BPS and BPF have similar effects on the body as BPAs. So, choose wisely when looking for alternative solutions.