Prepare to get pregnant!
What you eat (and what you don’t eat) has a HUGE influence on your ability to get pregnant and stay pregnant.
In fact, nutrition affects:
- Egg quality
- Sperm quality
- Hormones
- Time to conceive
- Having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby
This 21-day cleanse program has been tested and proven on hundreds of patients in my fertility clinic. It shortens the amount of time it takes to get healthy and ready to conceive and it improves your chances of having a healthy baby.
It’s a gentle, doable program that you can do at home with my virtual guidance. You will have all the support you need directly through emails, videos, and a private Facebook community where you can ask me questions and share your experiences.
Double Your Effectiveness By Detoxing as a Couple
It’s best to do this 21-day Fertility Cleanse as a couple, for your preconception plan. Fertility is a couple’s project and you can DOUBLE the program’s effectiveness by improving both your egg and sperm health with this cleanse.

Who It’s For & What It Can Do
My 21-day Fertility Cleanse is for women and couples who are:
- Committed to doing everything you can to get pregnant and have a healthy baby
- Willing to increase your chances of getting pregnant naturally by making a positive lifestyle change
- Ready to invest in your health
The program is effective for women and couples who experience any of these:
- A desire to get as healthy as possible before getting pregnant
- Poor egg quality or diminished ovarian reserve
- If you are trying to get pregnant naturally or with IVF
- PMS and/or PCOS symptoms
- Going through or getting ready to start IVF
- Advanced maternal age
- Have been on birth control and/or antibiotics
- Previous miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss
The program can ALSO help with these symptoms:
- Unexplained fatigue
- Poor diet
- Dark circles under eyes
- Less than one bowel movement a day
- Dark blood, cramps, or blood clots during menses
- Frequent congestion
- Acne and other skin problems

About The Fertility Godmother
Denise is passionate about helping couples who want to have a baby. She strongly believes in preconception care and has a special place in her heart for women that have unexplained infertility, diminished ovarian reserve, and recurrent pregnancy loss. Combining the best of Eastern and Western medicine, she shows them how to overcome obstacles and get their mind and body back in balance using a whole life approach, so they can have an exceptional quality of life and create the family they desire.
Denise, a Fellow of the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine, is licensed and board certified in acupuncture and Oriental reproductive medicine. She completed her Masters of Science and a clinical internship in Oriental Medicine at Emperor’s College in Santa Monica, UCLA, and Daniel Freeman Hospital in Marina Del Rey. She received further training in acupuncture at the International Acupuncture Academy in Beijing, China. Denise has also completed extensive post-graduate training in reproductive wellness, including TCM Gynecology, fertility, support for IVF/IUI, pre-and postnatal care, menopause and pelvic pain. Prior to Chinese Medical school, she studied Exercise Physiology and Nutritional Science at California State University, Northridge.
She is committed to approaching each patient individually and compassionately, with a holistic and integrative approach to medicine. And, she is grateful for every opportunity to help elevate people’s lives and proud of her work helping individuals and organizations enjoy the benefits of optimal health and wellness.
“I just love helping women get pregnant!” – Denise Noyer-Erez
What to Expect
Your virtual program includes 7 days of preparation and nutritional education + 14 days of fertility cleansing.
I’ll give you all the support you need directly through emails, videos, and an exclusive Facebook community where you can ask me questions and share your experiences.
You’ll be coached by THREE FERTILITY EXPERTS, including:
- Me, The Fertility Godmother – a primary care physician in California certified through the American Board of Oriental Reproductive Medicine (ABORM)
- Sara Rector, MFT – a Fertility Psychologist
- Wendy Obstler, C-IAYT, RYT500 – a Fertility Yoga Instructor